How long is the wait for a sanatorium? Surprise! A few months. Episode 26


Fifty at the neck, why not go to a sanatorium? Hypertension, first heart problems and back pains are ailments that accompany most middle-aged people and are also indications for sanatorium treatment. But why do you actually go to a sanatorium? Can three weeks spent in a charming village in the mountains make a real difference to my health or extend my life?

The modern face of Ustroń Spa

It turns out that the sanatorium care provided today in specialised centres, staffed by professional medical professionals, is very different from what was once offered to patients. Today, a stay in a sanatorium is no longer just random massages, get-to-know-you evenings and scenes like in a love sanatorium. Today, spa care is a comprehensively implemented plan, set individually for each patient. Is this the case in every spa? It is difficult for us to answer this question, but we are sure that it is so in Ustroń, which is why Monika Rachtan talks to Adam Rybicki, M.D., director of the Spa and Rehabilitation Centre in Ustroń of the American Heart of Poland Group, about the modern approach to spa care in the next episode of the programme 'Po pierwsze Pacjent'.

Spa care in the town of Ustroń, located in Silesia, in the Těšín Beskid, is provided for several groups of conditions. These are primarily heart diseases and neurological diseases, but post-mastectomy women who have undergone surgical treatment for breast cancer are also rehabilitated here.

Sanatorium after a heart attack

Cardiovascular diseases top the list of conditions responsible for deaths in our country. Studies show that people who experience incidents such as strokes or heart attacks face them and their consequences a second time within a year of their occurrence. One of the pillars of prevention in their case is proper rehabilitation. This is why a sanatorium after a heart attack or a sanatorium after a stroke is of such great value. It is a place where the patient receives professional help and support, acquires skills related to good habits: nutrition, movement, and additionally with recommendations that they have to follow at home on their own. Silesia is a region of Poland that is particularly well-known for the treatment of heart disease, and it is to Ustroń, as Adam Rybicki points out, that many patients who are treated in Silesia for very serious heart conditions end up. Spa treatment is a natural next step in the patient's therapeutic path.

Sanatorium after stroke

The patient is most often referred to the sanatorium by the patient's primary care doctor, the so-called family doctor, and he can indicate in the document sent to the National Health Fund which place he prefers for his patient, specifying the region. However, he cannot guarantee the patient that he will go to a specific place. However, if the patient is lucky enough to end up in Ustroń, his or her stay at the spa will begin with an interview, at which an individual plan of care for the patient will be created. Adam Rybicki explains that the most important element of such a plan is to establish a goal that the patient and the entire team providing care for the patient are working towards. "It is possible for a patient who comes to us after a stroke to start walking independently again. If, at the beginning of our journey together, we assess the patient, measure his or her capacity, commitment and decide that our common goal is that the patient, whether on his or her own or with the help of certain rehabilitation aids, will be able to take his or her first steps, then we will implement this plan. In standard procedures, patients come to the sanatorium for three weeks, but when they are referred to us after a heart attack or stroke, they can stay in the sanatorium for up to 16 weeks under the National Health Fund." - explains the director of the centre in Ustroń.

Is a NHF sanatorium as good as one we can pay for ourselves?

When thinking about a rehabilitation trip, many people wonder whether a NFZ sanatorium is as good as one that we can pay for ourselves. In Ustroń rehabilitation care is provided in two ways. One can come here on the NFZ, if the fund decides that this facility is suitable for our conditions.

For these stays, the patient is cared for by a staff of experienced professionals. "We have doctors working with us, but also physiotherapists and psychologists. Not only do we encourage our patients to be physically active, take walks, exercise in the modern gym or while bathing in the brine pool, but we also take care of education by delivering lectures as part of the Health Academy. As I have already mentioned, the modern face of sanatorium care looks completely different than it did a few or a dozen years ago and, most importantly, to the question: how long does one wait for a sanatorium? Finally, the answer is a few months and not, as it was until recently, three years.

How much does a spa cost?

Of course, it is possible to go to a resort in Ustroń at your own expense. Adam Rybicki says that Poles are increasingly choosing the second option to finance such stays. "The elderly who use our services are already a bit of my generation of fifty-somethings. Let's remember that such people are more and more aware of such possibilities, are more proficient on the Internet and are able to book a stay on their own, but they are also wealthier," he adds. It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question "how much does a sanatorium cost?". A stay carried out commercially does not have to last as long as three weeks. Various packages are realised, which allow one to adjust the stay to one's financial possibilities and needs. In the next few years, the Ustroń Spa will be expanded, new "pyramids" will appear, which today are the hallmark of this place. Those we can admire now will be renovated. We invite you to visit Ustron, it is a wonderful place to rest and recover, both in summer and winter.


Monika Rachtan
I would like to invite you to listen to the podcast 'Patient First'. Hi, I'm Monika Rachtan. I would like to welcome you very warmly to another special episode of the programme "Firstly the patient". Today I am taking you to the beautiful town of Ustroń, where I will be talking to Dr Adam Rybnicki. Good morning, doctor. You are the head of this entire spa, so I think you are the ideal guest to tell us more about this extraordinary place. I have just read, Doctor, that patients were treated in Ustron as early as the 19th century. Is this true?

Adam Rybicki
Yes, there are records that say that as early as the nineteenth century tourists came here for a whey cure for gastrointestinal ailments. But the actual development of Ustroń as a health resort is linked to the construction of forges after the discovery of iron ore. Steelworkers, bathing in the water flooding the slag, noticed that it helped their joints. The actual spa, as we know it today, was established in 1967, at the same time as I was born.

Monika Rachtan
So you are peers, right?

Adam Rybicki
Yes, we are peers. So the Ustroń spa is relatively young, but already mature. Since then we have had this beautiful facility. Our flagship Equator building is an architectural gem, designed by an architectural bureau. The Zawodzie district, where it is located, still inspires architectural awe today.

Monika Rachtan
Doctor, I'll ask you more specifically about this amazing view in Ustron in a moment. But now we have a special section, which I haven't mentioned yet. We're going to be cycling and talking today, so I'm putting my helmet on and I'm also going to ask the doctor to put his helmet on.

Adam Rybicki
Moving on.

Monika Rachtan
You are welcome. We're taking position and we're going down to Ustron. Yes, Doctor?

Adam Rybicki
That's right.

Monika Rachtan
Dear all, in our programme we talk a lot about health and the importance of movement, so today we want to show that we don't just talk, we do it. We got on our bikes to show you this beautiful place and talk about health. Doctor, I'm doing this for the first time in my life, how about you?

Adam Rybicki
I've ridden my bike a few times before, but to record myself while riding is a new challenge for me.

Monika Rachtan
Please bear with us. I hope that we will cover this route safely. Doctor, we are in Ustron, a spa town. I know that patients return from here satisfied and healthier.

Adam Rybicki
It's very nice if they say so. The patient is the most important thing for us. In our programme, we comprehensively treat a variety of conditions, including cardiovascular, nervous, cancer and respiratory diseases. We focus mainly on adults.

Monika Rachtan
But in addition to comprehensive care, Ustroń is also a beautiful place. Those pyramids, where did the concept come from?

Adam Rybicki
The pyramids were built in the 1970s to a design by Franco Busk and his architectural practice. This project included the development of the Zawodzie district. These unique buildings have been listed as monuments. Thanks to American Heart of Poland, which now manages the spa, we plan to expand and complete the original architectural concept.

Monika Rachtan
That's fantastic! And apart from the architecture, can you tell us about the two gems you treat patients with?

Adam Rybicki
Of course. We have brine here, extracted from a depth of 1,600 metres. It is a natural resource that we use in our spa treatment...,
Monika Rachtan
How is the brine extracted?

Adam Rybicki
The brine is extracted through a borehole drilled many years ago, at a depth of 1,600 metres. A submersible pump pumps water with 14% salinity and a temperature of about 55 degrees at the bottom and about 21-22 degrees when extracted. We use it for the treatment of diseases mainly of the osteoarticular, skin, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, e.g. for lowering blood pressure. This element-rich brine, including iodine, bromine and iron, is used in baths and pools. In the pools, patients exercise and regenerate, additionally having aerosol therapy from a fine mist of brine. This is our Ustroń gold.

Monika Rachtan
And the second gold?

Adam Rybicki
The second gold is peat, mined near Ustroń, which we bring here. We use it in the form of compresses, peat facials and total baths. Peat has a high heat capacity and maintains a high temperature for a long time, relieving pain, reducing muscle tension and increasing blood supply to the skin. It is a raw material that supports pharmacological treatment, especially in pain syndromes.

Monika Rachtan
The doctor mentioned the effect of brine in respiratory diseases. From my own experience, after undergoing COVID-19, I rehabilitated my respiratory system in Ustron and the daily inhalations in the graduation tower in the Ustron Park helped me a lot. After ten days, I returned from there very recovered.

Adam Rybicki
We do indeed have a graduation tower in our park, near the amphitheatre. You are welcome to use it.

Monika Rachtan
Mr Adam, it is often said that you come to a sanatorium to meet your middle-aged or retired other half. In Ustron, however, you come primarily for your health, although some friendships are probably also formed here.

Adam Rybicki
Indeed, these stories are rather myths. Ustroń is a modern spa where the focus is on the health of patients. Of course, friendships are created, but the priority is treatment.

Monika Rachtan
What does this modern treatment consist of?

Adam Rybicki
We advocate a combination of spa treatment and rehabilitation. Thanks to our cooperation with American Heart of Poland, we have diagnostic and treatment facilities at the highest level, especially in the field of cardiology. We have an entire diagnostic base, a laboratory open 24 hours a day, as well as a dynamic laboratory where acute myocardial infarctions are treated. Thanks to our proximity to the Cardiac Surgery Clinic in Bielsko-Biała, patients quickly reach us for rehabilitation after surgical procedures.

Monika Rachtan
Does Ustron treat only independent patients or also those with difficult conditions?

Adam Rybicki
We treat a variety of patients. Some are independent and come for a standard 3-week stay, others require longer rehabilitation, up to 16 weeks, depending on indications and approval from the National Health Service. We provide care at every stage, from the acute phase to long-term rehabilitation.

Monika Rachtan
Mr Adam, is Ustroń a place only for sick people, or can it also be a good place for rest and relaxation? Is it possible to come here commercially, without a referral from the National Health Fund?

Adam Rybicki
Of course, you can come here both commercially and for regeneration purposes. These do not have to be exclusively therapeutic stays. We offer treatments for patients with various conditions. Patients can come both under the National Health Service and privately.

Monika Rachtan
What do you think, do Poles like going to the doctor and getting treatment?

Adam Rybicki
It depends. I wouldn't want to generalise because everyone is different. Based on my experience of working in Ustron, I can say that there are patients who are very attentive to their health. They are sensitive to signals from the body and aware of their illness. They often demand attention and information about their condition. Particularly aware are the patients after surgical treatment for breast cancer who come here for rehabilitation.

Monika Rachtan
That is, rehabilitation after breast cancer surgery is very important. Do I understand this correctly?

Adam Rybicki
Yes, this is true. They come here for rehabilitation and they are very aware, educated patients who communicate well in Amazon groups. Rehabilitation in Ustroń has a long-standing tradition and is provided both within the framework of the National Health Fund and disability prevention for the Social Insurance Institution.

Monika Rachtan
I asked about whether Poles like to treat themselves and go to the doctor, because I think spa care is a great form of therapy. Often older people give it up by sitting in front of the TV. In other countries, retirement is a new start, an activity, and in Poland, unfortunately, it is often different.

Adam Rybicki
This is another myth. My observation is that seniors are increasingly active and affluent. Today's seniors are those who experienced economic success after Poland's accession to the EU. They are no longer typical pensioners, living on just one pension. We support our parents financially so that they can enjoy places like Ustroń. During holiday periods, we see that many seniors come to the sanatorium to not be alone and to spend time with people of a similar age.

Monika Rachtan
Mr Adam, back to the cardiac and neurological patients in Ustron, when does their rehabilitation end and how does it continue at home?

Adam Rybicki
Rehabilitation does not end when you leave the spa, but should continue for the rest of your life. It is important to continue at home what has been learned here. Regular consultations with the doctor and physiotherapist are important, as well as returning to the spa. Rehabilitation at home is a test for our motivation and determination to change our lifestyle and habits.

Monika Rachtan
What role does a physiotherapist in Ustron play in this healing process?

Adam Rybicki
Physiotherapists help patients achieve their rehabilitation goal. Group work with doctors, nurses, psychologists and dieticians is important. The goal of rehabilitation is set at the beginning and physiotherapists have the longest contact with patients, helping them to achieve this goal. This can be different for each patient, particularly challenging but rewarding for neurological patients after stroke.
Monika Rachtan
What can a stroke patient expect when arriving at your spa? Is it possible that a patient who has stopped walking after a stroke will take their first steps after rehabilitation at your centre?

Adam Rybicki
Of course, this is possible. It all depends on what goal we set and how long the patient has to achieve it. Neurological rehabilitation after a stroke can take up to 16 weeks. The objectives of the rehabilitation change as the patient progresses. In the beginning, we focus on basic activities such as sitting up in bed, swallowing and speaking. Later, if progress is good, the goal may change, for example to independent walking or adaptation to wheelchair life. Getting the patient up and running in this way is one of the most rewarding moments of the job.

Monika Rachtan
Do patients resist psychological support? Are there some who do not want to use this form of support at first?

Adam Rybicki
Many patients are sceptical at first, but after a few sessions they usually change their minds. I observe that resistance to using the services of a psychologist is decreasing. Society is becoming more aware and the use of psychological help is becoming more accepted and treated as a normal part of treatment.

Monika Rachtan
Do you derive satisfaction from your work as a doctor?

Adam Rybicki
Without the satisfaction of helping people, it would be impossible to function in this profession. There is great satisfaction when you see the results of your work. Of course there are difficult moments, but it is important to treat the patient with due respect and empathy. Mutual respect and trust are crucial to the effectiveness of therapy.

Monika Rachtan
Who can benefit from a sanatorium? Is it only people ordered by a PCP?

Adam Rybicki
Anyone with the right indications can go to a sanatorium. It is enough to consult a PCP who can issue a referral to the NFZ. The waiting time in the Silesian Voivodeship is about eight months, which is much shorter than it used to be.

Monika Rachtan
Can any doctor write such a referral?

Adam Rybicki
As a rule, referrals are written by primary care physicians. They decide on the direction of sanatorium treatment, depending on the type of illness. In Ustroń Spa we specialise mainly in cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological and osteoarticular diseases.

Monika Rachtan
After today's conversation, many listeners will probably be interested in Ustroń Spa. What are the three most important things our viewers should remember from our conversation?

Adam Rybicki
Firstly, it is important to lead an active lifestyle and healthy eating habits from a young age. Secondly, the health care system in Poland offers the opportunity to benefit from spa treatment and rehabilitation at a high level. You just have to look for the right place and be determined. And the third thing is how to get to a good spa - all you have to do is take a train and get off at Zawodzie.

Monika Rachtan
As a programme partner, the Institute for Patients' Rights and Health Education talks a lot about the humanisation of medicine. What is the humanisation of medicine for you?

Adam Rybicki
It is putting the patient at the forefront of the treatment process.

Monika Rachtan
Exactly, the patient comes first, both in the spa and in our programme. Thank you very much for talking and cycling together today. We encourage everyone to be physically active and visit Ustron. I am already jumping into Solanki and recommend you do the same. Thank you very much.

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