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Child over-predation - the consequences of digital everyday life. Episode 82

"Patient first".

Monika Rachtan puts health and patient needs at the forefront. Together with experts from various medical specialties, we discuss issues that will make you a more informed patient. Join us for a deeper understanding of medicine and proactive care of your health.

Latest episodes
Przebodźcowanie dzieci – konsekwencje cyfrowej codzienności. Odcinek 82

Child over-predation - the consequences of digital everyday life. Episode 82

Is banning children from social media a good solution?

Kiedy troska o drugiego człowieka staje się życiową misją. Odcinek 81

When caring for another person becomes a life mission. Episode 81

What is the daily life like for those who care for loved ones who need support with the simplest of activities?

Otyłość – walka, która nigdy się nie kończy. Odcinek 80

Obesity - the battle that never ends. Episode 80

How do you manage a disease that requires constant vigilance?

Media społecznościowe. Czy to eksperyment na skalę globalną? Odcinek 79

Social media. Is it an experiment on a global scale? Episode 79

Did you know that social media can be both a powerful educational tool and a dangerous source of misinformation?

Co stresuje nas w pracy? Odcinek 78

What stresses us out at work? Episode 78

Did you know that as many as 40% employees experience bullying at work?

Jak stres niszczy kobiece serce? Odcinek 77

How does stress damage a woman's heart? Episode 77

While 40% men die from cardiovascular disease, the rate in women is as high as 50%, making them more vulnerable to heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases.

Słodkie napoje – codzienna dawka cukru, której nie widzisz. Odcinek 76

Sweet drinks - the daily dose of sugar you don't see. Episode 76

The average Pole drinks as much as 400 kcal every day in the form of sweetened beverages - the equivalent of around 20 teaspoons of sugar! What is behind our weakness for the sweet taste?

Paszport onkologiczny – narzędzie do sprawniejszej opieki nad pacjentem onkologicznym. Odcinek 75

Oncology passport - a tool for more efficient cancer care. Episode 75

One million Poles are living with cancer and many are additionally battling other conditions that require treatment.

Monika Rachtan


Experienced medical journalist who is passionate about helping patients understand the complex world of medicine. Her original programme 'Firstly Patient' is where she answers the most important health questions together with experts. Monika combines knowledge and empathy to help everyone become a more informed patient. Join Monica's talks and let her become your guide to health.

National Cancer Centre
Ścieżka chorego na czerniaka w NIO Warszawa

Melanoma patient pathway at NIO Warsaw

Ścieżka chorego na czerniaka w NIO Gliwice

Melanoma patient pathway at NIO Gliwice

How do you make social media safe for children?
Is banning children from social media a good thing? In the latest episode of Po Pierwsze Pacjent, Monika Rachtan talks to child psychiatrist Artur Wisniewski about the consequences of excessive technology use, why it's important to work with your child, and the challenges of modern child psychiatry.

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