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Should health education be compulsory? Episode 91

"Patient first".

Monika Rachtan puts health and patient needs at the forefront. Together with experts from various medical specialties, we discuss issues that will make you a more informed patient. Join us for a deeper understanding of medicine and proactive care of your health.

Latest episodes
Czy edukacja zdrowotna powinna być obowiązkowa? Odcinek 91

Should health education be compulsory? Episode 91

Can health science divide society?

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Multiple sclerosis was until recently associated with irreversible disability, but medical advances are opening up new possibilities for patients.

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Did you know that obesity already affects 57% Poles, and its complications can shorten life by up to a dozen years?

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The digital challenges of modern parenting. Episode 85

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Monika Rachtan


Experienced medical journalist who is passionate about helping patients understand the complex world of medicine. Her original programme 'Firstly Patient' is where she answers the most important health questions together with experts. Monika combines knowledge and empathy to help everyone become a more informed patient. Join Monica's talks and let her become your guide to health.

National Cancer Centre
Ścieżka Pacjenta z zaawansowanym czerniakiem w DCOPiH

Patient pathway for advanced melanoma at DCOPiH

Ścieżka Pacjenta z zaawansowanym czerniakiem w NIO Warszawa

Patient pathway for advanced melanoma at NIO Warsaw

Ścieżka Pacjenta z zaawansowanym czerniakiem w NIO Gliwice

Patient pathway for advanced melanoma at NIO Gliwice

The patient debates are a completely new formula to show the general public a broad perspective related to health issues.

In setting up the debates, we assume that each of us, even if we are currently healthy, may end up on the diagnostic and therapeutic pathway in a short while and should have knowledge of what challenges and problems arise on such a pathway.

In the programme, patients, talking about their experiences, can make professionals aware of how frustrating and confusing the process can be. Experts, on the other hand, discuss current health market issues in an accessible way.

I want the debates to become a platform where issues important not only to professionals, but above all to patients, whose voice is still not sufficiently heard in the healthcare system, are addressed.

4 days ago

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Controversy over health education
Can health education divide society? It turns out that yes - the subject of health education in schools arouses huge emotions, and many myths have grown up around the programme. In the latest episode of Po Pierwsze Pacjent, Monika Rachtan talks to Prof Zbigniew Izdebski, MD, PhD, and Piotr Dąbrowiecki, MD, PhD, about the facts and misinformation surrounding health education.

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