
Hi, I'm Monika Rachtan - a medical journalist and in my spare time a mum, wife, lover of good food and travel. For the last few years, I have been creating articles and video programmes on health topics, asking questions of experts to facilitate the daily work of practising doctors. But they are not the only ones I talk to - I also ask about issues that are important to patients, whether they are suffering from serious chronic diseases or just occasionally receive healthcare.

Medicine for me is a human science, because it talks about the human being. In my work I always put the patient first, hence my original programme 'Patient First'. I believe that each of us comes first when we are a patient. Therefore, in my programme, I try to be a bridge of communication between you and the doctor.

I invite you to listen to and talk to eminent experts in various medical fields who answer your health questions. My aim is that after each episode you will be richer in knowledge to help you be an informed patient. Sometimes it will be very serious, at times hopefully funny, but always with a focus on what matters most - health and well-being. I invite you to join us for a conversation about health!
