The hardest to call! How does the Patient Ombudsman help? Special episode


As many as 80,000 patients a year report their concerns about incidents in medical facilities via the Patient Ombudsman helpline. The cases are many and varied. In the latest episode of the programme 'Po pierwsze Pacjent', recorded during the 18th Patients' Organisations Forum, Monika Rachtan talks to Patients' Rights Ombudsman Bartłomiej Chmielowiec about the modernisation of the health system and key challenges such as ensuring safe and high quality care.

The latest episode of the programme 'Patient First' is now here! And in it, in a live broadcast during the 18th Patients' Organisations Forum #FOP24, with Patients' Ombudsman Bartholomew Chmielowiec, we address key issues concerning the modernisation of the healthcare system.

The Ombudsman shares his thoughts on the key challenges facing the healthcare system today, focusing on what steps can be taken to ensure safe and quality care for patients.

In the context of the 'Demand Quality' campaign, I ask the Ombudsman how he intends to combine the expectations of patients with the capabilities of the medical staff in order to realistically raise the standards of medical services. This is key to improving both the health of patients and the comfort of medical staff, which has a direct impact on the entire health care system.

We discuss how patients can approach the Ombudsman with problems encountered in the healthcare system and what action is taken in response to the most common enquiries made to the Ombudsman's helpline. This is an important conversation for everyone who cares about access to quality healthcare.

Watch the entire conversation with the Patient Ombudsman on channel 👇

Previous episodes


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