Why do Poles so rarely take advantage of preventive examinations?
Can health science divide society?
Did you know that obesity already affects 57% Poles, and its complications can shorten life by up to a dozen years?
How do you manage a disease that requires constant vigilance?
While 40% men die from cardiovascular disease, the rate in women is as high as 50%, making them more vulnerable to heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases.
Did you know that alcohol consumption in Poland is regularly increasing and that Poles drink an average of almost 100 litres of beer a year?
Cancer doesn't have to mean the end of dreams and plans - this is the message that the Rak'n'Roll Foundation has been delivering for 15 years.
In an era of an overloaded healthcare system, patient-doctor communication is becoming a key element of effective treatment.
There are approximately 150 criminal cases of medical errors in Poland each year.
In Poland, cardiovascular diseases, including heart failure, are one of the most serious health risks, affecting an increasing number of people.