Measuring blood pressure at home is an essential tool in monitoring and controlling hypertension. Regular checking of blood pressure allows early detection of abnormalities and adjustment of therapy if necessary
Lovers of ice baths are starting the walrus season. Did you know that ice baths have a beneficial effect on potency and can help fight addictions as well as stress?
The respiratory disease that patients fear most is lung cancer.
Why responding early is key and how important doctor-patient communication is during the fight against cancer
Only 300 grams of meat a week! What to choose instead and are boxed diets really healthy?
Lung cancer and invisible challenges. Is a diagnosis a judgment? How can thoracic surgery change patients' lives and why smoking is still a key risk in Poland?
We dissect the challenges of humanising the Polish health system, highlighting the key role of education, communication and the balance between patients' rights and responsibilities.
Up to 30% patients are malnourished on admission to hospital. Aleksandra Kapala, MD, PhD, talks about the dangerous consequences of this problem and the role of the dietitian in cancer treatment.
In the latest episode of the podcast 'Patient First', Professor Maciej Kupczyk discusses the influence of age, genetics and environment on the development of allergies and emphasises the importance of correct diagnosis and therapy.