Introduction of new reimbursement law raises concerns among patients using prescription drugs
In Polish Christmas Eve traditions, in addition to the characteristic dishes, there are a number of other customs
In Poland, where quality standards for medical cannabis are particularly stringent, patients can be sure that they are receiving a high-quality product
Immunisation is a key element in building up immunity, especially during the autumn and winter season when our bodies are more vulnerable to various infections
High cholesterol, uncontrolled by proper diet and treatment, can lead to serious cardiovascular problems such as stroke and heart attack.
When thinking about a rehabilitation trip, many people wonder whether a sanatorium on the National Health Fund is as good as one we can pay for ourselves.
In Poland, as in other countries, interest in alternative methods of smoking is growing, It is an important public health issue and understanding patients' needs and addictions is crucial in the process of quitting smoking and reducing the risk of
Regular visits to the ophthalmologist are an important part of the prevention of visual impairment. The programme's guests emphasise that it is always a good time to see an ophthalmologist, even if there is nothing worrying going on
The problem of accessing information on doctors' appointments is also significant, and current online tools do not always provide reliable data